carte n. (击剑手)手掌向上刺敌人右胸的姿势 (=quart)。 carte and tierce 剑术。 n. 1.〔法语〕菜单;价目表。 2.名片;〔罕用语〕纸牌。 3.〔pl.〕纸牌戏。 4.〔罕用语〕地图,海图。 à la carte 点菜。 carte blanche 白纸;署名空白纸;全权委任。 carte de visite 名片;(旧时作名片用的)小相片。
a la carte (按菜单)逐道点菜; 按菜牌点菜; 点餐(散餐); 零点菜肴; 龙虾大餐,以套餐方式供应; 散点; 提供套餐; 照菜单点菜的; 照菜单点的; 逐道点菜
The minister gave me carte blanche in this matter 部长委托我全权办理此事。
The general manager gave his assistant carte blanche in this matter 总经理委托助手全权办理此事。
I have given carte blanche to the editor - in - chief in revising my articles 我给主编全权修改我的拙文。
The president gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs 总统把处理外交事务的全权授予他的公使。
They employed an interior decorator and gave him carte blanche to do up the place as if to were his own 他们请了一位室内装饰师,让他把这地方当自己的家一样随意装修。
They provide a carte blanche to force anyone into legal struggles that are usually survived by the larger company 它们提供了一张全权委托书来强迫所有人进行法律斗争,而通常是大公司幸存下来。
Yet all this unquestioning support does not mean that america will give israel absolute carte blanche to do whatever it wills 然而这些毫不犹豫的支持并不意味着美国让以色列随心所欲的干自己想干的事。
It is a carte blanche request to the workbench ui to activate a plug - in once the workbench window is opened , bypassing the deferred load strategy 当工作台窗口打开时它可以全权要求workbench ui激活插件,而不受延迟加载策略限制。
You ve carte blanche to make the most of the city of light , with time to see the famous landmarks and also ample opportunity to really savor the atmosphere 。如果您较喜欢以放慢步伐,悠闲方式,来欣赏自然之美,或许您应该考虑选择我们所提供的其他种类旅游服务: